First Rhapsody 1946 Melachrino

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《First Rhapsody 1946 Melachrino》 是一首古典音樂風格的 MIDI 音樂,由平臺鋼琴獨奏。

全曲長3分13秒,共1622個音符,分為65個音軌,初始曲速 100bpm,最小曲速 10bpm,最大曲速 109bpm。

文件中標記了多個調式,有 ♭A 大调、E 大调、♭E 大调 等,標記的節拍為 4/4、5/4 等。

使用了通道音量控制、左右声道平衡等 MIDI 事件。



標準 MIDI 文件(SMF)屬性

標準 MIDI 文件(SMF)屬性



  • 1


    372個音符/和弦,平均音高 G5

    樂器 ID: 0, 音軌: 1

    時間: 00:02 - 03:08

    音高: #G3 - D7

  • 2


    287個音符/和弦,平均音高 B4

    樂器 ID: 0, 音軌: 2

    時間: 00:02 - 03:08

    音高: #F3 - B6

  • 3


    101個音符/和弦,平均音高 E4

    樂器 ID: 0, 音軌: 3

    時間: 00:03 - 03:02

    音高: E3 - A5

  • 4


    480個音符/和弦,平均音高 F3

    樂器 ID: 0, 音軌: 4

    時間: 00:02 - 03:11

    音高: #C1 - #G4



# 名稱 通道 樂器
1 piano 1 1 平臺鋼琴
2 piano 2 2 平臺鋼琴
3 piano 3 3 平臺鋼琴
4 piano 4 4 平臺鋼琴
5 *
6 First Rhapsody 1946 Melachrino
7 Music by George Melachrino
8 Piano Transcription by Harry Ralton
9 copyright 1946 by The Arcadia Music Pub.Co. London
10 sequence by James Pitt-Payne, London UK
11 on Friday 26 September 2003 at 16.28
12 in association with Doug Grierson
13 *
14 Born George Militiades, 1st May 1909, London, England,
15 died 18 June 1965, London, England.
16 An orchestra leader, composer, arranger, multi instrumentalist
17 and singer, Melachrino was the son of Greek parents.
18 He learned to play a miniature violin, and wrote
19 his first composition when he was five years old.
20 He was already an accomplished musician by the age
21 of 14 when he enrolled at the Trinity College Of Music,
22 where he specialized in chamber music and the use
23 of strings. At the age of 16, he wrote
24 a string sextette that was performed in London.
25 He resolved to learn to play every instrument
26 in the orchestra, and succeeded, with the exception
27 of the harp and piano. In 1927, he began his
28 broadcasting career, playing and singing from the BBC studio
29 at Savoy Hill. He strayed further and further
30 away from his initial ambition to be a classical musician,
31 playing jazz instead, and working in dance bands
32 for leaders such as Bert Firman, Harry Hudson, Ambrose
33 and Carroll Gibbons' Savoy Hotel Orchestra.
34 In 1939, Melachrino formed his own dance band
35 to play at the prestigious London venue the Cafe de Paris,
36 until 1940. During the period of the 'Battle of Britain',
37 he joined the British Army as a military policeman,
38 eventually becoming a Regimental Sergeant-Major. He later
39 toured in the Stars Of Battledress and was musical director
40 of the Army Radio Unit, as well as the leader
41 of the British Band of the Allied Expeditionary Forces.
42 He also led the 50-piece 'Orchestra in Khaki',
43 recruited from professional musicians serving in the ranks,
44 who were much amused when he was introduced on
45 broadcasts as 'the Sentimental Sergeant-Major'.
46 The unit held its own against the American band led
47 by Glenn Miller and the Canadian combination led by
48 Robert Farnon, with both of whom Melachrino guested
49 as vocalist on occasions during the war years.
50 While in the forces, he experimented with large string
51 sounds, and after the war he ran two outfits,
52 the Melachrino Strings and the George Melachrino Orchestra,
53 both purveying the sentimental mood music so popular
54 in the 50s, especially in the USA.
55 *
56 His compositions included 'First Rhapsody'
57 (his theme tune), 'Winter Sunshine', 'Vision D'Amour',
58 'Woodland Revel' and 'Portrait Of A Lady'.
59 *
60 He died in 1965 following an accident at his home
61 in Kensington, London. The Melachrino Strings
62 and Orchestra continued to record into the 80s,
63 conducted by Robert Mandell.
64 *

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