MIDI 格式的拉丁音樂列表。 共有 849 首 MIDI 音乐可下载,感谢热心网友的创作和分享!
第 1-20 首 MIDI 音樂,共 849 首
With a Latin beat.
idk what i shall type here
It's a GM version.
i tried to remake rush F 2 by lalapinkbun and this is what i got i guess enjoy
电子琴考级曲 www.midiclouds.com
Originally done by the Beatles and then revive by Filipino Artist Ice Seguerra, I just trasposed it, added some KORG ins...
For Revelation Mobile Ready Copy end Post
Sonic one music
3 v
Ranchera del cantautor mexicano Jose Alfredo Jimenez, compuesta en 1971.
Joan Sebastian in one of his most popular songs, 25 Rosas. Ballad of 1985
You can use this with your MU100 (or later) and a SW1000XG!
Tukoh Taka《2022年卡塔尔世界杯球迷曲》1