Points and Experience Rules

Contributing high-quality content on the MidiShow website can earn points and experience. When downloading midi files uploaded by others, points will be consumed but the experience points will not change.

Do the following to get points and experience points:

ItemsPoints, experience changes
New user, pass email verification
Upload a MIDI file+10
MIDI music liked by others+1 (under development, not yet implemented)
Post meaningful comments+3
Comments liked by others+1 (at most +10)
Score stars for MIDI music+1
New user sets avatar for the first time+3

The following operations need to consume points but do not affect the experience value. When the points are insufficient, the corresponding operation cannot be performed.

ItemsPoints change
Download a MIDI file-3 (Except for users who meet the conditions for exemption of points);

Points and experience will be deducted in the following situations:

ItemsPoints, experience changes
Comment content is deleted ( comment rules )-3
Like is cancelled-1
MIDI file is deleted-10
MIDI file is reviewed and offline (the MIDI file release rules )Deduction from 0 to 10 depending on the violation