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三角的谱的扒 实际上还有一个dn版本的更贴近原版,未来会放在网上
Alexexela Midi Library DN from http://alexexela.cjb.net Stars DN from http://alexexela.cjb.net Alexexela Midi Library
自制 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Eo4y127Dn/
*使用请标注:胡萝卜须儿 BPM:110 务必使用配套伴奏:https://guichushijie.cn/huluobo 使用例:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dN411L7ru 接调教用扒谱,
游戏实录:BV14G4y187dn 我就不需要说出处了吧? 有考虑把这首当作以后每次出演以前的开幕曲来着。 虽然还有省掉的乐器,不过旋律简单,也没有别的,所以也还算好
\In my dreams I have a plan /If I got me a weal thy man, \I woul dn't have to work at all, /I'd fool
told But the sto ry's get ting o ~ ~ld To ge ther we faced the cold out side No one can say we di dn't
LENGL @TCitizen Erased @TMuse @T-Fly- \Break me in, /teach us to cheat /And to lie and cov er up /What shoul dn't
ci e ty /No one real ly wants to see /Some of us don't e ven won der /Some of us don't e ven care /Coul dn't
a lar med if I fall head o ver feet /Don't be sur pri sed if I love you \For all that you are /I coul dn't
shoo~ be~ doo~ be \ \How can you tell me /How much you miss me \When the last time I saw you /You woul dn't
\But who's to blame /For a love that woul dn't bloom /For the hearts that ne ver played in tune.
ter loo /I was de fea ted, you won the war \Wa ter loo /Pro mise to love you for e ver more \Wa ter loo /Coul dn't
there like a blow torch burn ing /I was a key that could use a lit tle turn ing \So ti red that I coul dn't